Friday 27 February 2015

Uses of Methi or fenugreek

Uses of methi or fenugreek seeds or leaves

1  .Both the fenugreek leaves and seeds have high degree of medicinal values.
2.  people suffering from digestive disorders or constipation or stomach aches can use both methi seeds or leaves succesfully to get out of the problem. it removes all the harmful toxins from the body.
3. For people suffering from Diabeties, Fenugreek helps in controlling the blood sugar levels and induces the production of insulin .
4. If you are planning for weight loss, daily in the morning chew the methi seeds soaked in water.  Methi seeds also contains fibre , which fills the stomach and reduces the hunger.
5.  It is known that fenugreek works as anti cancer agent and kills cancer cells.
6. From ancient times, there is evidence that methi increases the milk content among the lactating mothers.
7  For bald head or hair falling, methi seeds paste can be used successfully to prevent hair loss.
8. Methi paste can be used as anti biotic for wounds, scars, deep injuries.
9. Paper made using methi paste is highly anti biotic and can be used to store things without getting spoiled for long time.
10 Fenugreek seeds paste can be used for skin allergies, pimples, whitening of skin etc. succesfully.

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