Wednesday 25 February 2015

Uses of Cinnamon powder and Honey

Uses of Honey and Cinnamon Powder

1.        In order to strengthen the immune system of the body one should take one tea spoon of Cinnamon powder (sri lanka preferred) with one tea spoon of pure honey.  This , when taken  regularly, increases the strength of WBC in blood and enhances the immunity strength of the body.
2.       Cinnamon tea is prepared  using 1tsp cinnamon powder+ 4 tsp of pure honey + 4 cups of hotwater.  The cinnamon tea can be taken in moderate quantity for longevity, stomach disorders.  This may be used for glowing skin.
3.       When a person is suffering from gastric problems or indigestion problems use 1tsp of cinnamon powder with one tsp of pure honey. This will solve the problem in 15 minutes.
4.       If you are planning for weight loss , use Cinnamon powder+ honey boiled in a cup of water, and take it regularly.  This will reduce the chloestrol content in the body and does not allow cholesterol to get accumulated in the body.
5.       People suffering from arthritis, can successfully use the paste of cinnamon powder+honey in equal proportions along with small quantity of luke warm water and apply it on the ailing part of the body.  The pain will come down in 15 minutes.
6.       The paste made of cinnamon and honey can be used for tooth ache of gums, and will be relieved of pain within 15 minutes.
7.       Prepare a paste of hot olive oil+ Cinnamon powder+ honey.  For baldness or hair loss, apply this paste and hold it for 15 minutes before taking bath.  This prevents hair loss.
8.       The paste of cinnamon and honey , instead of jam may abe used along with bread , as break fast and this when consumed regularly, helps to prevent heart problems.
9.       For preventing cold and sinus, Cinnamon+ honey can be used successfully , as it enhances the immune system of the body.
10.   It is known that , cinnamon +honey improves the blood circulation system and there by hearing , sight, smell efficiency will improve greatly for all and especially for those aged people.
11.   It is believed that those ladies who are not able to conceive , when they take cinnamon+ honey mixture, helps them to conceive quikly, without loss of time.

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