Friday 27 February 2015

Weight loss Techniques

Weight loss techniques & Low Carb dieting
Avoid Junk Food and take more proteins
Athletes who ate foods rich in fructose such as honey burnt a lot more fats and had increased stamina levels as well. Honey acts as a fuel to make the liver produce glucose. This glucose keeps the brain sugar levels high and forces it to release fat burning hormones
Most of us struggle to lose weight because we consume too much sugar and processed food. When we consume honey before bed, the body begins to burn more fat during those early hours of sleep. When you go a step further and replace all refined sugar from your diet with honey, you rebalance the brain signal that compels you to consume more sweet stuff.
Replace all sugar with honey: Cut out sugar from your diet. This means you will also have to give up on artificial sweeteners. Use honey in your tea, coffee and cereal instead of refined sugar. Keep a check on what you cook too, so that you don't use sugar in there either.
The first type of method is the low carb diet. This is where you’ll fill your diet full of protein and fat rich foods, while leaving your carb intake up to vegetables and one or two pieces of fruit each day.
This approach tends to help control hunger well and will enable a fast rate of weight loss off the start as you begin to shed excess water weight.
Low Fat Dieting
The second of the weight loss methods to consider is low fat dieting. Low fat dieting is a method that will help you reduce your calorie consumption since you’re taking in less overall fat in your meals each day.
Since fat contains over twice as many calories per gram compared to proteins and carbs, when structured correctly, this form of diet can definitely be beneficial.
Take hot cooled water(naturally) to reduce your weight instead of refrigerated water.
Cut down excess salt
Stick to the recommended 1500 mg of salt intake a day. Don’t put salt on the table to add to your dinner and limit the amount whilst cooking. Avoiding ready meals is a must too as these are laden with salt for flavour.Excess salt results in edema and bloating.
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Drink more water daily
: Drinking enough water ensures that fibre can do its job to ease constipation too. Not drinking enough water can also aggravate your sodium and potassium levels. Read more about what makes water so important for your body.
Eat more fibre: 
Eating a combination of soluble and insoluble fibre is an effective way to stay fit and avoid the bloated feeling that comes with constipation. Foods that are rich in fibre include oranges, mushrooms, raspberries, broccoli and cabbage.
Almonds can help you for weight loss
Start your day morning with 10 pieces of almonds (soaked overnight). The almonds are a rich source of antioxidants, proteins and essential fats and help in maintaining cholesterol levels. The unpretentious nut is extremely low on calories with ten almonds accounting for just 78 calories. Other than that they’re packed with useful nutrients like Vitamin E and mono-saturated fat (‘good’ fat) that gives you a boost without adding any extra pounds.
Avacados for weight loss
Weight loss tips • Avocados are rich in monounsaturated fat that is easily burned for energy • They also provide close to 20 essential health-boosting nutrients, including potassium, vitamin E, B-vitamins, and folic acid, and enable your body to more efficiently absorb fat-soluble nutrients in other foods • According to a recent study, eating just one-half of a fresh avocado with lunch may satiate you if you’re overweight, which will help prevent unnecessary snacking later
Healthy weight loss key tip
Your weight is a balancing act, but the equation is simple: If you eat more calories than you burn, you gain weight. And if you eat fewer calories than you burn, you lose weight.
Since 3,500 calories equals about one pound of fat, if you cut 500 calories from your typical diet each day, you'll lose approximately one pound a week (500 calories x 7 days = 3,500 calories). Simple, right? Then why is weight loss so hard?
All too often, we make weight loss much more difficult than it needs to be with extreme diets that leave us cranky and starving, unhealthy lifestyle choices that undermine our dieting efforts, and emotional eating habits that stop us before we get started. But there’s a better way! You can lose weight without feeling miserable. By making smart choices every day, you can develop new eating habits and preferences

Uses of Methi or fenugreek

Uses of methi or fenugreek seeds or leaves

1  .Both the fenugreek leaves and seeds have high degree of medicinal values.
2.  people suffering from digestive disorders or constipation or stomach aches can use both methi seeds or leaves succesfully to get out of the problem. it removes all the harmful toxins from the body.
3. For people suffering from Diabeties, Fenugreek helps in controlling the blood sugar levels and induces the production of insulin .
4. If you are planning for weight loss, daily in the morning chew the methi seeds soaked in water.  Methi seeds also contains fibre , which fills the stomach and reduces the hunger.
5.  It is known that fenugreek works as anti cancer agent and kills cancer cells.
6. From ancient times, there is evidence that methi increases the milk content among the lactating mothers.
7  For bald head or hair falling, methi seeds paste can be used successfully to prevent hair loss.
8. Methi paste can be used as anti biotic for wounds, scars, deep injuries.
9. Paper made using methi paste is highly anti biotic and can be used to store things without getting spoiled for long time.
10 Fenugreek seeds paste can be used for skin allergies, pimples, whitening of skin etc. succesfully.

Thursday 26 February 2015

Uses of Honey

Uses of Honey

1. Honey can be used to cleanse liver, remove toxins from the body if taken regularly in specified quantities.
2. Honey has got high calorific value. One table spoon of honey contains around 60 -65 calories
3. In order to improve your immune system, add  one to two table spoons of honey to warm water along with lemon Juice.  This should be taken on empty stomach.  This will help to flush out cholestrol and improves the immunity of the system greatly
4 Honey may be successfully used for weight management and weight loss.
5.It is said that honey prevents bad cholestrol and enhances good cholestrol in the body . It also improves the blood circulation, therby improves the heart functioning.  So for a healthy heart, small quantity of honeyu is required by the body.
6.Since honey is a natural antibiotic, it can be used for preventing cough/ cold etc.
7.When you apply small quantity of honey gently on any wounds, quick healing take place.
8. Honey may be successfully applied on burns, cuts and wounds etc.,
9.Honey with cinnamon has got  several uses .
10. Since honey has got anti oxidant properties, it is used in controlling cancer cells.
11 Honey mixed with cinnamon powder can be used to improve the fertility and conception rate in women.

Wednesday 25 February 2015

Uses of Cinnamon powder and Honey

Uses of Honey and Cinnamon Powder

1.        In order to strengthen the immune system of the body one should take one tea spoon of Cinnamon powder (sri lanka preferred) with one tea spoon of pure honey.  This , when taken  regularly, increases the strength of WBC in blood and enhances the immunity strength of the body.
2.       Cinnamon tea is prepared  using 1tsp cinnamon powder+ 4 tsp of pure honey + 4 cups of hotwater.  The cinnamon tea can be taken in moderate quantity for longevity, stomach disorders.  This may be used for glowing skin.
3.       When a person is suffering from gastric problems or indigestion problems use 1tsp of cinnamon powder with one tsp of pure honey. This will solve the problem in 15 minutes.
4.       If you are planning for weight loss , use Cinnamon powder+ honey boiled in a cup of water, and take it regularly.  This will reduce the chloestrol content in the body and does not allow cholesterol to get accumulated in the body.
5.       People suffering from arthritis, can successfully use the paste of cinnamon powder+honey in equal proportions along with small quantity of luke warm water and apply it on the ailing part of the body.  The pain will come down in 15 minutes.
6.       The paste made of cinnamon and honey can be used for tooth ache of gums, and will be relieved of pain within 15 minutes.
7.       Prepare a paste of hot olive oil+ Cinnamon powder+ honey.  For baldness or hair loss, apply this paste and hold it for 15 minutes before taking bath.  This prevents hair loss.
8.       The paste of cinnamon and honey , instead of jam may abe used along with bread , as break fast and this when consumed regularly, helps to prevent heart problems.
9.       For preventing cold and sinus, Cinnamon+ honey can be used successfully , as it enhances the immune system of the body.
10.   It is known that , cinnamon +honey improves the blood circulation system and there by hearing , sight, smell efficiency will improve greatly for all and especially for those aged people.
11.   It is believed that those ladies who are not able to conceive , when they take cinnamon+ honey mixture, helps them to conceive quikly, without loss of time.

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Saturday 21 February 2015

Uses of Lemon Juice

Uses of Lemon Juice

Lemon Juice contains citric acid and serves as anti bacterial, cleaning , deodoring agent.

Lemon juice/ peels are commonly used in the following ways.
1.  Lemon tea is commonly used for refreshing oneself and for controlling common headaches effectively.
2. Two teaspoons of lemon water mixed in hot water  may be used for stopping toothaches and also helps in bleeding gums.
3.Lemon juice , as it contains citric acid is commonly used for freshening your breath after using it as a mouth wash.
4.  Lemon juice + warm water may be used as a facewash and feel the freshness of the skin.
5.Before having food take one glass of lemon juice.  It is not only refreshing to the body ,but also removes the toxins in the body.  It improves your hunger, and digestion.
6. You may use lemon juice/ water for cleaning almost anything safely. It kills germs/bacteria and keeps the surface of steel/ copper utensils clean and shining.
7.  Lemon juice (two tea spoons) is used for clearing the dandruff and for cleaning the hair.
8.  while cleaning your body, lemon juice can replace other soaps which are hard on the skin.
9. lemon juice can be used in washing the clothes , in order to remove the stains and for better odor.
10.  Lemon juice may be used as a deodariser.  It will remove the bad odor coming from any place and also replaces the bad odor with fresh lemon fragrance.
11.Keep two/three lemon peels inside your refrigerator  to avoid the bad smell.

12. We can whiten our nails with lemon wedge.
13.  If you take lemon juice regularly , it helps to prevent nausea and vomitting sensation.
14.  We may use lemon peels inside the rice cooker to avoid black stains , while cooking
15.  If you have oily skin , use lemon juice for cleaning the oil deposits , dirt , black spots as it serves as antiseptic, cleaning agent.
16.  people taking Lemon tea/ lemon juice are protected from the risk of cancer to a great extent as it is working against bacteria, germs and cancer cells.
17It is observed that lemon juice / lemon tea is highly useful to the asthma patients.
18. The citric acid in the lemon affects the enamel on the teeth, so while using the lemon juice for cleaning the mouth and teeth , better to dilute it sufficiently.

Stomach ache solutions

Stomach ache solutions

In this blog i will discuss , some of the simple , easy to use home made solutions , which every body can follow and use successfully.

When you are acutely suffering from stomach ache problems, please understand the following points.

1. You must practice to have timely food habits.
2. Have your breakfast , dinner etc at regular timings
3. During the nights , dont take any food after 7'Oclock
4. Drink plenty of water during the day(6 to 10 litres periodically).
5. Water is very much required by the body for various physiological and digestive functions.
6.  After a night's meal , go for 15 minutes walk
7   During day time minimum 15 minutes exercise is essential, to keep your body in active healthy condition.
8.   learn to walk through for short distances.
9.  Once in a weak, take boiled water with small amount of ghee.
10. If the pain is acute , it may be because of gastric problems.
11..In case of gastric problems, use 1 spoon of menthi powder in butter milk and drink it periodically.
12. For general digestion problems, you may use 1 spoon of coriander powder in a glass of milk and drink it.
13. An alternate solution is use 1 spoon of cinnamon powder (srilanka) and 1 spoon of pure honey . mix it thoroughly and swallow/ chew it .  This helps not only, indigestion, but also good medicine for a variety of diseases /discomforts.
14. As an alternate solution, we may use ginger pieces boiled with water, filter it and drink 2 to 3 times daily.

All the above methods are very effective for proper digestion and eliminates your stomach aches.