Monday 2 March 2015

Uses of Ginger

Uses of Ginger

1.   Ginger can be conveniently mixed with green tea for weight loss and for removing the toxins from the body.
2.   Ginger paste with sugar, when taken in the mornings , helps us to avoid morning sickness to a great extent.
3.   when ginger with honey is taken regularly in small quantities , it helps to prevent  accumulation of bad cholestrol  and improves the blood circulation system.  Thus, it prevents  heart attack.
4.  There is evidence that ginger kills the cancer cells, especially in the case of ovarian , colon cancer.
5.  Ginger juice is highly useful in stomach disorders and motion sicknes and digestive disorders.
6   Ginger is highly useful in the treatment of gastric disorders.  It also induces to secrete gastric juices  and pancreatic  juices regularly.
7.  Ginger juice is commonly used in treatent of cold and fever and in other bacterial or viral infections.
8   Ginger is used to avoid nausea or giddiness.
9.  Ginger , if taken regularly, improves the immunity power of the body.

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