Saturday 7 March 2015

Tips to prevent hair loss

Tips to prevent hair Loss - Home remedies
Scientific research has  evidence that an enzyme called 5AR converts Testorosterone into DTH, thus preventing hair follicles to grow. 
In order to control the enzyme 5AR from doing this harmful activity, one  should  take the following , Vitamins, minerals etc 

1. Vitamin A, VitaminC, & Vitamin E should be taken to prevent the activity of 5AR.
2. Soyabeen seeds are very useful
3.Green tea should be taken 3 to 4 cups daily.
4.pumpkin seeds oil may be applied to scalp.
5 Iron & Zinc which are richly available in greens should be added to daily food.
6.Dry your hair without using any heated equipment.
7. Rich protein supplements which are natural should be added in daily food.
With the use of above natural foods, in about 4 to 5 months , you can see good results with regard to hair loss.

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