Tuesday 3 March 2015

Weight loss Tips

Weight loss Tips

1. Drink Plenty of water, it will help to remove toxins from body.  According to the weight of the body, one should take 6 to 8 litres of water periodically, even if you are not thirsty.
2.  Take very little of Carbohydrates, more of proteins and fibre foods
3.  Our body requires 25gm to 30 gms of proteins daily.
4.  More fibre intake prevents the hunger and eases the digestion.
5. Take oat meal for the break fast.
6. Go for cycling one hour daily.
7. Do simple exercises , which keeps the body fitness daily
8. Avoid junk food like bergers, pizzas etc
9. Take more vegetables and avoid meat
10.When you are planning for weight loss , do it whole hearltedly.
11. Add little bit of  pepper powder in your food items, which helps in weight loss.
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